The World's First & Only Grooming Subscription Box Developed to Care for Your Skin & Hair Down There.     

Not All Boxes Are Created Equal

The Other Guys Send You...

  • 24 blades in 6 months. 
  • We send 6 blades in 6 months.

Our blades are just that good! We only send you premium quality blade cartridges that are made in the USA.   

You should never need to change your blade once a week. Not only is that practice incredibly needless and wasteful, but how poorly made are these blades, that they recommend you replace them weekly?

We recommend you rinse your razor post-shave and swish in our Razor Rinse, to ensure a clean, sharp blade — every time. When your box arrives the next month, take that blade cartridge out of its beautiful box and pop it into your handle. Easy peasy!

One of the main reasons Happy Hedge was developed was to take the wonder out of blade replacement and the worry out of using a poor quality blade.

  • Who-knows-what-from-who-knows-where. 
  • We send a suite of handcrafted Happy Hedge brand products, plus a few surprises.

Do you really want to receive a hodge-podge of products from random sources whose quality cannot be verified? We didn't think so. We always send you suite of our luxurious spa quality, handcrafted, small-batch organic and vegan Happy Hedge products. Products you can only get from us.

  • Inexpensive plastic razor handles. 
  • We send our gorgeous silver metal razor with laser engraved logo.

Anyone can source a cheap razor handle online. We're not just anyone. We have worked with a vendor for almost a year to develop and design our *new* razor handle. While our original handle was exquisite and effective, we are constantly looking for the best in premium quality, luxury products to pass along to our unique and beautiful ladies. This razor handle fits the bill. Wait until you see (and use) it!  

  • Products made with overpowering fragrances, perfumes, and other irritating ingredients. (None of those are favorable to use on your foliage!) 
  • We send products made with only pure organic and vegan ingredients specifically formulated to help heal and nourish your skin.

Every Happy Hedge brand product contains 100% organic and vegan ingredients, except for our serum. (Our serum is ~35% organic and contains powerful antioxidants and skin-hydrating, nourishing, and repairing ingredients organic ingredients just can't provide.) Each product is made in small batches and is hand-swirled and mixed with only a small amount of our exclusive light and fresh essential oil blends. Each essential oil is chosen specifically for its antimicrobial/antifungal and skin healing/nourishing properties. All products have been tested as safe for use on your skin and hair down there. 

* Happy Hedge is made FOR women, BY women!*